Like most of you already know, YouTube is a video sharing platform where users can watch, like, share, comment, and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
What most people don’t know is that Youtube is also the 2nd largest search engine in the world. It’s widely used to promote, educate, and entertain its audience. Youtube has roughly 22 million visits in a month and the average session duration is about 40 minutes.
How do you generate more Traffic on YouTube ?

If you are a marketer or content creator wanting to increase your views on YouTube for free, then this process will take time and effort, just like we say, “Every great thing takes its time and efforts to get success”. However, if you do it the right way you’ll be rewarded with more views, subscribers and also you will get the opportunity to expand your content and visibility.
Have Quality and Keyword Rich Descriptions
The video description is where you can better inform the search engines and users just what exactly your video is all about. This will help increase the click-through-rate and thus the views, as users will know what to expect from your video.
Try to both stand-out and remain generic; you should capture interest while still trying to rank for short-tail keywords. Entice users above the fold with your descriptions and optimize them correctly for the YouTube search engine as you would with a normal SEO meta description.
Optimize Your Thumbnail Image
Your thumbnail image, like a hero-image, can work wonders when increasing your YouTube views whether they’re on the organic results page, suggested videos section, or appearing on social media. Use high-quality images that feature readable and engaging fonts and facial-closeups, if they’re featured in your video.
Make Your Best Video Featured
YouTube automatically shows your most recent video in the main “Featured” window on your channel page. For users that post regularly, this is ideal, but for those that post less, sometimes a better option is selecting another video to occupy that thing.
Use descriptive long-tail keywords
This is where your keyword research comes to play. Using a descriptive and interesting title for your video. This will have following benefits:
• Provide keywords for the algorithm to sort for relevance purposes.
• It will attract users and inform them what the video is about.
Create Video Content that Imitates Your Industry’s Best
YouTube’s algorithms will present content here as they would for an organic result with one caveat: the video a user just watched may have less to do with the original query they put in and more to with the relevancy of the video the user just viewed. Thus, the content presented at the end of a watched video will be similar to the content that was just viewed.
Use Cards
These YouTube optimization features enable you to promote other factors in your video. You can create cards that can be used to:
• Promote other video content
• Get more channel subscribers
• Donate to a non-profit
• Send traffic to your website
• Encourage users to participate in a poll
Create End Screens
End screens serve the unique function of doing a little bit of everything at the end of your video. It’s a chance to provide users who enjoyed your content with all the relevant information regarding your channel, other playlists, recommended videos, and your verified website.